
Appendix A: NPCs
Appendix B: 20 Questions
Appendix C: Local Legends and Rumours
Appendix D: Map
Appendix E: Contacts

Appendix A: NPCs

This is a list of the NPCs who are based in the area and the person who has kindly volunteered* to play them for us. Emails sent to NPCs should be sent to shire-plot at mistelien dot org in the first instance with the name of the NPC in the subject line and will then be passed on to the relevant person if necessary. (Unless you agree differently with them in advance...)

*Note: by which we mean they gave in to our nagging...


Mayor Thomas Lud
Played by James W
Mayor Thomas is young for his post, only thirty, but after the death of his father he was voted to continue the family tradition. It is generally known that he spent his formative years in a school run by the Temple of Justice in the Capital, and has ambitions beyond being the Mayor of Ludshire.

Guardian Eos
Played by Andy T
The old priest is the most well known citizen of Ludshire. He's been the main local Priest for thirty years, and is the caretaker of the only Temple. He performs marriage ceremonies, especially between followers of different gods.

Seeker Islington
Played by Carl
The Seeker has been employed by Mayor Thomas to liaise with the non-military members of the Patrol. It is understood that he will collect reports and forward them on to the relevant guilds and organisations. He also has a fairly large and eclectic library which is open to anyone who can't manage the journey to the nearest Temple of Freedom.

Old Ben
The ancient landlord of the 'Troll's Head' - The only inn in town, and the best tavern.

The Garrison

Warden Lieutenant York
Played by Alex
This young man has had his commission bought for him by his father, after being sent to a military school in the capital ten years ago. It is understood he is a Priest of Justice, but beyond that, little is known.

Guard Sergeant Warrick Schmitt
Played by Dave S
This Guard is actually from Ludshire, his brother owns a farm near Crow's Wold. He's an experienced campaigner, having been to Draxia, two seasons on the Lannister border and various other Kingdom campaigns, and is trusted by the locals.

Pathfinder Corporal East (Estheralius Questalathor)
Played by Caroline
An Elven woman who keeps to herself. She is not from the area

The Aristocracy

There are three holdings, owned by the Lairds. They own the land. Farmers pay them tithe, and they pay tithe to the Baron. The Towns are separate.

Laird Dresari
Played by Ryan
Land owner to the West of the Lud.

Lairds Yentarië
Played by Emma and Ruth
Two sisters who own the land to the South of the Lud.

Laird Tyler
Played by Pete W
Land owner to the East of the Lud.


Mayor Oscar St. John of Poulton
Played by Rob B

Mayor Palmingon of Crow's Wold
Played by Cat B

Druid Skywise
Played by Ninja Dan

Appendix B: "20" Questions

How old are you?
What do you think about Elves?
What colour socks do you wear?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Has anyone close to you died, and been resurrected?
Can you play cards?
Do you like custard?
Have you ever met an orc?
Do you have any pets?
Ninja or Pirates?

1. Living arrangements?
2. What book are you reading?
3. Babies?
4. Worst feeling in the world?
5. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
6. Favourite colour?
7. What is the most important thing in life?
8. Favourite foods?
9. Chocolate or vanilla?
10. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
11. Storms, cool or scary?
12. If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be?
13. Favourite alcoholic drink?
14. Is the glass half empty or half full?
15. What's under your bed?
16. Favourite sport to watch?
17. What dates are important to you?

Appendix C: Local Legends and Rumours

Overheard in the Market Square

“There's a witchdoctor living near Crow's Wold. Travis the Pig Farmer says he wears two tartans, one on top, where everyone can see it, and one underneath, hidden away.”

Overheard in the tavern Taproom of the Troll's Head

“My great-great-great grandfather lived in the time of King Lud the second, and he told my great grandfather this tale on his death bed. He said that King Lud the second went adventuring in his youth, and returned with a horde of gold and magical weapons and armour. His best weapon was a huge magical axe called Treefeller. He used to go out in the woods and clear acres of land in just one day. Back then, you see, the Eastern Forest was all over the place, and came up to the river itself. Well, King Lud sorted that. He cut down nearly a thousand trees a day, and new fields were ploughed, and new houses built from the wood. But when he died, he insisted the axe was to be buried with him. Well, his sons waited for him to die, but when they buried him, high in the mountains, the eldest son decided to keep the axe for himself. That very night, the son slept in his father's old bed, but awoke with the ghost of his father towering above him with the axe raised high. He leapt up and ran from the house, and hid in the town. When he dared return the ghost and the axe were gone. They say that the sons could never find the grave again.”

See Local History and Legends for further information.

Appendix D: Map

This is an IC map, and does not show everything, but it does show the towns, major landmarks and so on.

This would be a picture of Ludshire if you weren't using a text-only browser.

Appendix E: Contacts

University committee:

Emma Millington

Robert Buck

Florian Schanda

Non-university contacts:

James Wiggins

Marcus Olliver

Dave Steinhausen & Ruth Kelly
shire-plot at mistelien dot org

BLADES Website: