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Setting - The Bounty Hunters

IC: Welcome to the Bounty Hunters

Listen up!

You’re a Bounty Hunter now, and that means you’ve got the nerve to go running out into the trackless wastes to find desperate people who probably have no compunction about killing you.

The Job

Our job is simple; we find people who have decided that running is better than punishment and we turn them in to the authorities. Simple? Not so much – they have to be alive when we do it, and paying to get the mistakes resurrected will take care of any bounty you’ve earned and then some. They, on the other hand, are almost certainly going to want you dead and never found so you can’t report back.

Training Opportunities

We’ll train you in how to find people, we’ll show you how to knock them out safely, and if you’ve got a knack we’ll even teach you how to take someone down with finger-waggling. Simple. We’ll even get you the knack of recognising your target from a sketchy description, if you survive long enough.

Why Joining Patrols is Smart

You may be thinking “This is easy, I can do this on my own.” Sure, you might be able to catch a crook on your lonesome – but then you’ve got to get them back home, still breathing, to collect the bounty. Meanwhile chances are they’ve found mates who are going to try and stab you up. For this reason, we recommend getting into and getting along with Kingdom patrols that are heading in the right direction for your job; not only will they be grateful to you for stopping them being permanently lost, but they generally involve a number of heavily armoured people and healery types who can help keep you and your target alive.

Now get out there and get those bounties!

Bounty Hunter Milo Boyd

IC Resources


None at present.

Player-Created Snippets

None at present.

OOC: Playing a Bounty Hunter

The full rules for Bounty Hunters can be found under:

Player Rules – The Kingdom – Guilds – Bounty Hunters

The Bounty Hunters are a young Guild that’s recently come into existence as the Kingdom has matured; where once a lawbreaker could just run off into the wilderness or self-imposed exile, now there’s not enough easily-accessible wilderness for them not to just instantly become another problem. The Bounty Hunters exist to go off and round up these miscreants and return them to justice.

There are many reasons a character could choose to become a Bounty Hunter. It could be for the bounties or the thrill of the hunt; it could be out of a desire to protect others from desperate felons on the run; it could be out of a deep-seated need to see order and justice done.

A Bounty Hunter’s main role in the party is to be the tracker; additionally their skillset in theory makes them pretty solid mage-killers through the combination of disabling castings and good weapon skills.

Bounty Hunters are very good at finding and taking down a specific target; unfortunately, their downside is that it relies on a GM to provide said target, and they have to be taken alive.

Things a Bounty Hunter would know:

OOC Resources