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Principle of Life

Keywords: Living, Creation, Sanctity, Preservation

Characters who follow the Principle of Life believe in the sanctity of life, and will do their utmost to preserve it. As such they are the protectors of life.

How far the regard for life is taken does depend on the character. Some believe that no person or creature should be allowed to die if at all possible, while others believe that if a person or creature commits murder or any other evil act, then he has lost his right to life.

Undead creatures are a mockery of life, and must always be destroyed and so must the creators of such creatures.

For Priests and particularly devout characters

All who draw from the power of Life and by extension the paths of Justice and Freedom view the undead as the great enemy of Life and should be combated upon all fronts. In normal cases they should also refuse any beneficial durational Death miracles such as Unholy Strike or Life Resistance and should only accept under dire circumstances. Instant miracles are left up to the Caster to decide.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Discern Death Power Sight Discern Path
Dispel Death 0 Dispel Death 1 Dispel Death 2 Dispel Death 3 Dispel Death 4
Mass Dispel Death 0
Detect Undead 1 Detect Undead 2 Detect Undead 3
Heal Life 4 Heal Life 9 Heal Life 14 Heal Life 20 Heal Life 26
Remove Fear (T) Remove Fear (R)
Courage 1 Courage 2 Courage 3
Life Shield 1 Life Shield 2 Life Shield 3 Life Shield 4 Life Shield 5
Cure Disease 0 Cure Disease 1 Cure Disease 2 Cure Disease 3
Holy Word 2 Holy Word 4 Holy Word 6 Holy Word 8 Holy Word 10
Repel Undead
Death Resistance 1 Death Resistance 2
Life Gift 1 Life Gift 2 Life Gift 4
Miracle Gift 0 Miracle Gift 1 Miracle Gift 2 Miracle Gift 3 Miracle Gift 4
Life Lace 4 Life Lace 8 Life Lace 12 Life Lace 16 Life Lace 20
Bless 1 Bless 2 Bless 3 Bless 4 Bless 5
Turn Undead 1 Turn Undead 2 Turn Undead 3
Mass Turn Undead 1
Death Ward 1 Death Ward 2
Pacify 1 Pacify 2
Strike Resistance 1 Strike Resistance 2
Dexterity 1 Dexterity 2
Rouse (T) Rouse (R)
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Dispel Death 5 Dispel Death 6 Dispel Death 7 Dispel Death 8 Dispel Death 9 Dispel Death 10
Mass Dispel Death 1 Mass Dispel Death 2 Mass Dispel Death 3 Mass Dispel Death 4 Mass Dispel Death 5 Mass Dispel Death 6
Heal Life 32 Heal Life 39 Heal Life 46 Heal Life 53 Heal Life 60 Heal Life 68
Mass Heal Life 4 Mass Heal Life 9 Mass Heal Life 14 Mass Heal Life 20 Mass Heal Life 26 Mass Heal Life 32
Mass Remove Fear
Courage 4 Courage 5 Courage 6
Mass Courage 1 Mass Courage 2 Mass Courage 3
Life Shield 6 Life Shield 7 Life Shield 8 Life Shield 9 Life Shield 10 Life Shield 11
Cure Disease 4 Cure Disease 5 Cure Disease 6 Cure Disease 7 Cure Disease 8 Cure Disease 9
Holy Word 12 Holy Word 14 Holy Word 16 Holy Word 18 Holy Word 20 Holy Word 22
Repulse Undead
Death Resistance 3 Death Resistance 4 Death Resistance 5
Life Gift 8 Life Gift 16 Life Gift 32
Miracle Gift 5 Miracle Gift 6 Miracle Gift 7 Miracle Gift 8 Miracle Gift 9 Miracle Gift 10
Life Lace 24 Life Lace 28 Life Lace 32 Life Lace 36 Life Lace 40 Life Lace 44
Bless 6 Bless 7 Bless 8 Bless 9 Bless 10 Bless 11
Turn Undead 4 Turn Undead 5 Turn Undead 6
Mass Turn Undead 2 Mass Turn Undead 3 Mass Turn Undead 4
Death Ward 3 Death Ward 4 Death Ward 5
Raise Dead True Raise Dead
Permanent Consecrate
Pacify 3 Pacify 4 Pacify 5
Mass Pacify 1 Mass Pacify 2 Mass Pacify 3
Strike Resistance 3 Strike Resistance 4 Strike Resistance 5
Dexterity 3 Dexterity 4 Dexterity 5
Mass Rouse
Discern Death

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Informational
Target: Person
The caster will be made aware of all miraculous items, active miracles and followers of the Paths of Death, Might, Anarchy or Balance within 10’.

Dark Druids will not be detected (unless they have an active Death miracle on them) as they follow the Path of Nature (not the Path of Death, despite knowing Death miracles).

Undead will also be detected.

Power Sight

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Informational
Target: Person
The caster will be made aware of all miraculous items or active miracles which he can see.

This is a passive miracle. In order to see power, you must Concentrate and call “Power Sight”.

A Paladin’s Dedicated Weapon would be seen, as it is a miraculous item (Strengthen or Bless). A Paladin’s Power/Normal armour bonus would not be seen.

If you have both Magic Sight and Power Sight active at the same time, you can tell the difference between what is magical and what is miraculous.

Discern Path

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Informational
Target: Person, Object
The caster will be able to determine the Path of the target (which may be a person or a miraculous item). The caster learns how many miracles and of what level and from which Path are active on a specified target with 20’. The target can be a person or an object.

If a person has not learnt any miracles, ceremonies, runesets or consecration skills then he has no Path. A person who has learnt Druidic miracles is a follower of the Path of Nature and additionally gives their primary sect.

Dispel Death <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Person, object
Removes any one Death miracle of level <n> or less.
Dispel Death will also dispel miracles from the adjacent paths – Might, Anarchy and Balance.

Mass Dispel Death <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Prerequisite: Dispel Death <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Dispel Death <n>.

Detect Undead

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Informational
Target: Area

For Detect Undead 1:

  • The caster will be made aware of all Undead within 10’, even those that cannot be seen by normal eyesight. You can also determine whether an Undead will regenerate after being ‘killed’.
  • This is a passive miracle, it will not automatically warn you of undead in the area. In order to detect undead, you must Concentrate and call “Detect Undead”.

For Detect Undead 2:

  • All effects from Detect Undead 1.
  • Additionally the caster will be made aware of the type of any Undead that they can see (this is analogous to the caster having Recognise Creature Mastery for Undead only) by calling “Recognise Undead Mastery”.

For Detect Undead 3:

  • All effects from Detect Undead 2.
  • Additionally the caster will be made aware of the type of any Undead that they can see (this is analogous to the caster having Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery for Undead only) by calling “Recognise Undead Legendary Mastery”.
  • OPTIONALLY if specified by the GM additional information about the Undead (this is not stats information, but could be age, how created etc.)

Example: Lexi casts Detect Undead 2, before encountering 2 Skeletons and a Death Knight. She calls “Recognise Undead Mastery”. The monsters reply Skeleton and Death Knight appropriately.

Later once they have been killed, while standing within 10’ of the Death Knight she calls “Detect Undead”. The Death Knight responds “Yes” as he will regenerate.

Heal Life <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Person
Heals <n> Life Points (NOT Body Points) on a character the caster is touching. For the Level 0 Miracle, only one hand is required. For all other levels two hands are required otherwise the miracle has no effect.

Mass Heal Life <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Area
Prerequisite: Heal Life <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ recovers <n> Life Points.

Remove Fear (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Mental
Target: Person
Removes ALL Fears from the target character. This miracle cannot be used on the caster.

Mass Remove Fear

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Mental
Target: Area
Prerequisite: Remove Fear (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is effected by a Remove Fear miracle.

Courage <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Mental
Target: Person
Courage increases the target’s effective Willpower by <n> when subjected to Fear inducing effects. This miracle will not remove any existing Fear effects on the target.

Courage also reduces the effects of any Demoralise effects on the target by <n>. Demoralise effects which have their effects reduced to 0 or less are dispelled.

Holy Symbols: A character who follows the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom can further improve the effect of Courage by strongly presenting their Holy Symbol whilst casting the miracle. A character of Life can increase the effect of the miracle by 1 by reducing the level of his Holy Symbol by 1. A character of Justice or Freedom can increase the effect of the miracle by 1 by reducing the level of his Holy Symbol by 2.

Example: Carlsberg has a level 5 Holy Symbol of Justice and casts Courage 2 on Eagleson to help him resist the Fear effects of the Conclave of Death Priests they are about to destroy. To further increase the miracle’s effect, Carlsberg uses his Holy Symbol whilst casting making sure that Eagleson can see it and draw extra strength from its power. He decides to cast the Courage 2 as Courage 3, which temporarily reduces its level to 3.

For the duration of the Courage, his Holy Symbol is for all intents and purposes treated as a level 3 Holy Symbol of Justice.

Mass Courage <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Mental
Target: Area
Prerequisite: Courage <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is effected by a Courage <n> miracle.

Holy Symbols: A character who follows the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom can use his Holy Symbol to increase the effect of the Courage against all targets in the area. (See above.)

Life Shield <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: DR <n>[Power, Bleeding]
Target: Person

Life Shield harnesses and accelerates the ability of a living thing to adapt to it’s environment. Life Shield provides <n> points of damage reduction against a single type of damage as listed below chosen at the time of casting. This will stack with Power Armour, but not other sources of Damage Reduction.

Type Effect
Bleeding Damage from Dying or Lethal Strike
Power Fire, Ice, Lightning, Sun, Dark, Chaos, Holy, Unholy, Sap, Mystic

Life Shield may be cast down one level in order to provide damage reduction against an additional option chosen at the time of casting. This can be combined with downcasting as normal.

Example: Vertonius, a Rank 90 Paladin, has a Life Shield 4 (Bleeding 2, Ice 2, Unholy 2) active, and 9 points of Paladin Protection providing Normal and Power protection. He is attacked by a band of evildoers who attack him with the following:

Ice Dart 12. Life Shield provides 2 points of DR (Ice) which stacks with 9 points of power armour for 11 total protection against Ice. Vertonius takes 1 Life damage and 1 Wound damage to each location.

A sword doing 16s. Life Shield has no effect, Vertonius takes 7 points of Life and Wounds damage.

Drain Life 14. Life Shield provides 2 point of DR, which stacks with the 9 points of Paladin Protection for a total of 11. Vertonius loses 1 Life Point.

Truestrike 2 Lethal 2. Life Shield provides no damage against the initial attack, and Vertonius takes 2 Life damage and 2 Wounds to the targeted location. He then bleeds at 2 Life a second, which is reduced to 0 by the DR 2 (Bleeding) from the Life Shield.

Life Shield does not prevent casting damage, or damage caused by Rituals or Ceremonies.

Life Shield <n> also increases a character’s Death Threshold for the purposes of determining when a character is dead by <n>, stacking with the character’s Willpower (and the spell Willpower).

Example: Carlsberg has Willpower 2 and 10 Death Thresholds (giving a notional Death Threshold of 12). He casts Life Shield 2 on himself. His notional Death Threshold is now 14.

Cure Disease <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Person
Cure Disease <n> cures one disease of level <n> or less, which is increased by 1 for each level of natural Toughness the target has (Spell or miracle toughness has no effect).

Example: Rubble has 2 points of Toughness and has a Level 3 Disease (Drain Life 20). A Cure Disease 1 would be needed to cure them.

Cure Disease can also be cast down four levels as Disease Resistance <n>, which makes the target immune to diseases of level <n> or less for 24 hours, and reduces the level of other diseases by <n>+1. A Disease Resistance can be further cast down, doubling its duration each time.

Example: Beecham has learnt Cure Disease 5. He can cast this as Disease Resistance 1, lasting for 24 hours, or Disease Resistance 0, lasting for 48 hours.

At the beginning of the day, he casts Disease Resistance 1, lasting for 24 hours. Later on, he is targeted with a Cause Disease 1 – Drain Life 8, which is negated. He is then targeted by a Cause Disease 4 – Double Weakness, which is reduced by two levels to Cause Disease 2 – Weakness.

Cure Disease can also be cast as a base for a sympathetic cure. In this case, one or more casters can combine to remove the disease, first by casting the ‘base’ component of the Cure Disease miracle and then the ‘active’ component of the casting to counteract the effect of the disease. In each case the GM determines whether the cure is fully, partially or not successful. Discern Disease can determine suitable sympathetic cures if there are any. A more powerful Cure Disease miracle allows for the use of less powerful sympathetic cures.

Example: Early in their career, Wychwood and his patrol have been attacked by two types of plague zombie. A guard has a Cause Disease (Demoralise 2) and a pathfinder has a Cause Disease (Freeze). After discerning the Disease, Wychwood discovers he can cast Cure Disease 0 as a base and someone else can cast the active part of the Cures. The Demoralise disease requires the base miracle, Cure Disease 0 and a “will to live” miracle or a “willpower” spell cast as the active component. The Freeze Disease can be cured by the base miracle, Cure Disease 0 and the active component, Freedom 1 or any Radiate spell.

Holy Word <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Undead
Resisted by: Power armour
Power: Holy
Causes <n> points of Power Life Point damage, which is effective against:

  • Undead creatures.
  • Extra planar creatures of Might, Death, Anarchy, Order, Chaos and Balance.
Repel Undead

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted by: Triple Strength
All Undead are thrown back from the caster to a distance of 10’ (those beyond 10’ are not affected). It requires at least Triple Strength to resist the effects of this miracle.

Repulse Undead

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted by:
All Undead are thrown back from the caster to a distance of 10’ (those beyond 10’ are not effected). No amount of Strength can resist the power of this miracle.

Death Resistance <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
The caster and his possessions gains immunity from the next <n> Death (including Death miracles cast by Dark Druids), Anarchy, Balance and Might miracles cast at him, whether or not they are beneficial. The Death Resistance takes effect before all other protections are taken into account. The player should call “Bounce” when a Resistance takes effect.

Death Resistance does not allow you to pass through a Life Ward.

Life Gift <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Not stackable
Target: Person
Allows the caster to give <n> points of Standing per minute to another person with the following restrictions:

1. The caster cannot have any other Gift active.
2. The caster must touch the person, if contact is broken then the Gift ends.
3. The caster must have no Path or follow the Path of Life, Justice, Freedom or Balance.
4. The caster cannot go below 0 standing, when reached the Gift ends.
5. The person must follow the Path of Life, Justice, Freedom or Balance.
6. If the person is a follower of the same Path as the caster, the transfer rate is doubled. N.B. The transfer rate is not doubled if the caster has no Path.
7. The person cannot gain more Standing than his normal maximum – any Standing currently active in miracles, when reached the Gift ends.

Example: Cal has a maximum of 30 Standing, he has cast 5 instant Heal Life 4’s (total 5 Standing) and a Bless 2 for 15 minutes (2 Standing). So he currently has 23 Standing. If he was to be the recipient of a Life Gift he could currently only go up to 28 Standing.

Life Gift can be extended, but you cannot make permanent items of it.

Miracle Gift <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Miracle Gift <n> allows the caster to pass knowledge of a Life (not Justice, Balance or Freedom) miracle of level <n> or lower to another. For the duration of the miracle, the recipient can cast the miracle using his own Standing (he does not need to know, nor does he gain any prerequisites). However, for the duration of the miracle, the giver loses all knowledge of the miracle and also all knowledge of miracles which require it to be known.

A Life miracle can be gifted to any character who does not follow the Path of Nature, though the recipient may have to answer to his Path if it is not appropriate to do so.

Example: Just, a Human Priest of Justice can use Miracle Gift 1 to transfer Heal Life 9 to any character who does not follow the Path of Nature. For 15 minutes, he loses all knowledge of Heal Life 9 and also the miracles above it, such as Heal Life 14. He still knows Heal Life 4, however. The receiver can cast Heal Life 9 only, he cannot cast Heal Life 4 or Heal Life 14.

Miracle Gift can be cast by ritual, but you cannot gift miracles that you only know as rituals. Only instant-cast miracles can be gifted.

You cannot Miracle Gift Miracle Gift.

Life Lace <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Power armour
Forces Life into a target. This has the effect of draining <n> points of Standing if the target follows the Path of Death and <n>/2 (round down) if the target follows the Path of Might or Anarchy (N.B. followers of the Path of Nature, including Dark Druids, are not affected). Both of these are after Power Armour has been taken into consideration.

Example: A Death follower is in 3 Power Armour and hit by a Life Lace 8. Therefore he is drained of 5 Standing. If he was a Might follower he would be drained of 2 Standing.

The target can regain Standing as per normal.

Bless <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: see Effect
Target: Person, Weapon
Power: Holy
Bless can be cast on a person or weapon.

  • When cast on a person, it gives the recipient 2x<n> Normal Armour and <n> Power Armour effective against all Undead attacks and additionally the Power Armour is effective against all Unholy melee/missile attacks and all Unholy spells/miracles [Defensive].
  • When cast on a weapon, it adds <n> Power damage for the duration of the miracle, which is only effective against Undead and extra planar creatures of Might, Death, Anarchy, Order, Chaos and Balance. The call for the additional damage is “Holy <n>” [Protective].

Bless cannot be cast on claws, shields or other items.

Turn Undead <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Undead
Resisted by: Willpower, Turn Resistance
A target Undead that fails to resist must flee the caster immediately until he is out of sight. The effect lasts for 15 minutes (or until the caster is dead), during which time the effected character flees whenever he sees the caster. If the Undead is possessing a living host, it is ejected if it fails to resist.

If the target Undead is killed and regenerates or is re-animated then the Turn Undead is no longer in effect.

Holy Symbols: A character who follows the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom can use his Holy Symbol to increase the effect of the Turning. The caster must hold his Holy Symbol in a hand and strongly present it towards the target Undead. The level of Willpower required to resist the Turn Undead is further increased by half the Holy Symbol’s level (rounded down) for a follower of Life and a quarter for a follower of Justice or Freedom.

Example: Bregan has a level 3 Holy Symbol of Life and a Willpower of 2. He is attacked by a Zombie and quickly casts Turn Undead 2, adding his Willpower (halved) of 1, as Turn Undead 3. Unfortunately this has no effect, so he drops his Mace, pulls out his Holy Symbol, holds it out in front of him and casts Turn Undead 2, adding his Willpower (halved) of 1 and Holy Symbol (halved) of 1, as Turn Undead 4. This is sufficient to make the Zombie turn and flee.

Turn Undead can be cast as Destroy Undead at <n> – 2. The target Undead is immediately destroyed if it fails to resist. This miracle does not stop the Undead regenerating if it has the ability to do so.

Turn Undead 3 is the lowest level Turn Undead miracle that can be cast as Destroy Undead (Destroy Undead 1). Turn Undead 1 & 2 cannot be. Willpower & Holy Symbol bonus are then added to the Destroy Undead.

Example: Bregan knows that the Skeletons attacking the group must have a Willpower less than 1 as otherwise they would have been able to cross his Undead Ward 1. He casts Turn Undead 3 as Destroy Undead 1, killing one of the attackers.

Unless specifically stated otherwise treat Turn Undead & Destroy Undead as the same miracle for the purposes of resisting, Spell Immunity etc.

Mass Turn Undead <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Resisted by: Willpower, Turn Resistance
Prerequisite: Turn Undead <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ suffers the effects of a Turn Undead <n>.

Holy Symbols: A character who follows the Path of Life, Justice or Freedom can use his Holy Symbol to increase the effect of the Turning against all Undead in the area.

Death Ward <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Resisted by: Willpower
The caster marks a line of the floor (preferably with some visible phys-rep like a piece of red cord) which can be a maximum of 5 feet in length. The line may stretch across an opening, be made into a circle or be any other shape the caster requires. By default wards are infinitely tall, but height can be configured by the caster if specifically required to be a certain height. Note they can go through substances, so no burrowing underneath them either (again unless specifically configured to be a certain depth).

Undead creatures that fail to resist may not cross the line until the miracle ends.
Though the creatures cannot cross the line, they can still used ranged attacks (including spells and miracles) over it.

If an undead creature (or any item they are holding) is attacked (by melee, missile or spell/miracle) over the ward, that creature alone may cross the ward. So a ward could be used to draw one creature across at a time (though they could then attack their ‘friends’, bringing them across too).

Living creatures can cross the ward freely without bringing it down.

The length of the ward can be extended, with each doubling of the length reducing its level by 1 down to a minimum of Death Ward 1. Thus a Death Ward 3 can be cast to stretch 10 feet as Death Ward 2 or 20 feet as Death Ward 1.

Example: Just casts Death Ward 1 across a doorway, which blocks a large group of Skeletons. Though blocked, one of the Skeletons uses a bow to shoot arrows at the party. This angers one of Just’s companions who retaliates with a Fire Dart 4, which allows that Skeleton alone to cross the ward.

Demons & Golems are not affected by Death Wards.

You cannot make a permanent item of Death Ward.

The level of a Death Ward cannot be increased with Willpower.

Raise Dead

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Dead body
Once a Raise Dead has been cast on the target, then a single ‘guide’ is required who is responsible for bringing the target back to life. The Raise Dead fails (though can be cast again) if any of the following conditions are met:

  • No guide makes contact with the target within 30 seconds of the Raise Dead being cast.
  • The target refuses the guide (if there is the option of multiple guides, the target chooses one).
  • The guide is unwilling to act as a guide.
  • The guide breaks physical contact/does not Concentrate (and additionally must only communicate with the target) once chosen as the guide. Any communication between the guide and the target is private.

The time taken to bring the target back to life is:

5 minutes + the amount of time the target was dead when the Raise Dead was cast

Raise Dead brings a dead character back to life providing his Death Threshold is at least 1 and he has not been dead for more than 1 hour. This miracle will only work if the character’s Head and Chest are present, connected and able to sustain life (i.e. have 0 or more Body Points).

Once raised, the character loses a Death Threshold and is returned to life with at least 0 Life Points. If a character died from a severed Head or Chest and his Life Points are greater than 0, he will have the same Life Points when he is raised.

The physical condition of the character will be the same as when he died. If a character died due to a bleeding location, he will continue to bleed on being raised unless the wound is healed.

The character’s Mana and Standing are the same as when the character died.

Note that animating a body drives the original spirit away from it, thus preventing a Raise Dead miracle from working. This miracle has no effect on Undead.

True Raise Dead

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Dead body
True Raise Dead acts like Raise Dead, except that the character is returned to life on his full Life Points, though his Body Points will be unchanged.


Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Dead body
Consecrate will stop a dead body (including Undead) from being affected by an Animate Dead, Summon Undead Servant or Regenerating.

Permanent Consecrate

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Dead body
Once a Permanent Consecrate has been cast on the target, then a single ‘guide’ is required who is responsible for consecrating the body. The Permanent Consecrate fails (though can be cast again) if any of the following conditions are met:

  • No guide makes contact with the target within 30 seconds of the Permanent Consecrate being cast.
  • The guide is unwilling to act as a guide.
  • The guide breaks physical contact/does not Concentrate (and additionally must only communicate with the target) once chosen as the guide. Any communication between the guide and the target is private.

Consecrating a dead body takes 5 minutes.

Permanent Consecrate will stop a dead body (including Undead) from being affected by an Animate Dead, Summon Undead Servant or Regenerating.

N.B. The body will be under the effects of a Consecrate during the 5 minutes, unless any of the above conditions are broken.

If the dead body has never been turned into an Undead, then the body can still be brought back to life using Raise Dead/Resurrection, in which case the Permanent Consecrate is no longer running.

Pacify <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 Seconds
Type: Offensive, Mental
Target: Creature
Resisted by: Willpower
A creature which fails to resist Pacify cannot attack or cast Offensive Spells or Miracles.

Attacking the target during the effect breaks the miracle.

Mass Pacify <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 Seconds
Type: Offensive, Mental
Target: Creature
Resisted by: Willpower
Prerequisite: Pacify <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Pacify <n>.

Strike Resistance <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person

Strike Resistance negates the additional damage caused by the next <n> Swift, Undodgeable, Piercing or Through Special Strikes which hit the target. It also negates Lethal Strike. The special strike does not have to be effective in order to be negated. All other attack damage and associated effects are taken as normal. In the case of multiple Special Strikes, the player may choose which to negate if they have insufficient Strike Resistance to negate all Special Strikes.

Example: Rubble the Guard is in 18 armour which is his only protection and has a Strike Resistance 5 active. He is hit for the following:

Swift 18: Rubble has no Dexterity, so the Swift has no additional effect. Rubble takes a Bruise. One use of Strike Resistance is used.
Piercing 20: Piercing would normally halve Rubble’s armour to 9, causing 11 damage. Strike Resistance reduces the damage to 2 (20-18).
Truestrike 20: Strike Resistance has no effect. Rubble takes 20 damage.
Through 18 Fire 5: Strike Resistance negates the Through. Rubble takes 5 Fire damage, but does not take a bruise.
Swift Piercing 18 Double Weakness: Rubble has one use of Strike Resistance remaining. Rubble chooses to negate the Piercing and takes Swift 18. Rubble takes a bruise. Rubble does not take the Double Weakness effect.

Dexterity <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Dexterity <n> increases the target’s Dexterity by <n>. Note that the Dexterity penalties for wearing armour and armouring spells/miracles still apply.

The Dexterity miracle enhances your natural dexterity, so if you’re not moving it doesn’t work i.e. if you’re paralysed or frozen, it will not help.

Rouse (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Mental
Target: Person
Rouse removes the following effects: Sleep, Coma. Rouse will also remove stunning due to having a blocked Withdraw point, Blink endpoint or Recall failure.

If cast on a target currently Praying or Meditating, the target may choose to end their Prayer or Meditation early. No mana or standing is regained, and the target may attempt to pray or meditate again as though they had not attempted to do so that day.

Mass Rouse

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Mental
Target: Area
Prerequisite: Rouse (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is effected by a Rouse miracle.