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School of Light Magic (New)

The School of Light contains spells that manipulate vision.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Light (S) Light (T)
Lantern (S) Lantern (T)
Flash 1 Flash 2
Dazzle 1 Dazzle 2 Dazzle 3 Dazzle 4 Dazzle 5
Displacement 1 Displacement 2 Displacement 3 Displacement 4 Displacement 5
Light Form 1
Mirror Image 1
Disguise Proficiency Disguise Specialisation Disguise Expertise
Clear Sight (T) Clear Sight (R)
Reduce Weakness Reduce Double Weakness
Light Beam 3 Light Beam 6 Light Beam 9
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Flash 3 Flash 4 Flash 5
Mass Flash 1 Mass Flash 2 Mass Flash 3
Dazzle 6 Dazzle 7 Dazzle 8 Dazzle 9 Dazzle 10 Dazzle 11
Displacement 6 Displacement 7 Displacement 8 Displacement 9 Displacement 10 Displacement 11
Light Form 2 Light Form 3 Light Form 4
Mirror Image 2 Mirror Image 3 Mirror Image 4
Disguise Mastery Disguise Advanced Mastery Disguise Legendary Mastery
Mass Disguise Proficiency Mass Disguise Specialisation
Mass Clear Sight
Reduce Triple Weakness Reduce Quadruple Weakness Reduce Quintuple Weakness
Light Beam 12 Light Beam 15 Light Beam 18 Light Beam 21 Light Beam 24 Light Beam 27
Light (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
The caster can create a 20’ beam of light from their hand.

The player must provide their own torch as a Phys. Rep. for this spell.

Lantern (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Prerequisite: Light (S)/(T)
The caster can create a 20’ radius of light from his hand.

Lantern can be down-cast as Light.

The player must provide their own lantern as a Phys. Rep. for this spell.

Flash <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Toughness
Any target with Toughness less than <n> is blinded (see The System for a description of this effect). With the following additional penalty:

  • The first attack (melee/missile/thrown/touch/spell/miracle etc.) the character makes within the 10 seconds automatically misses.
Mass Flash <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Toughness
Prerequisite: Flash <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Flash <n>.

Dazzle <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: -
Partially dazzles the targeted character, making it difficult for them to see. The target’s physical damage is reduced by <n>.

Displacement <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive, DR <n>[Normal]
Target: Person

Displacement uses the power of light to cause the target to shift between being a solid and only an image. The target gains DR <n> [Normal].

Darksight ignores damage reduction from Displacement.

Light Form <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive Non-Stackable
Target: Person
Prerequisite: Displacement 5

This spell makes the target invisible to creatures which use sight as their primary sense.

This spell begins transforming the target’s body into light. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal, Sun]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time. This stacks with DR from Displacement.
  • All Light spells the target casts require 1 less Mana (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target is immune to one of the following spells: Flash, Dazzle, Light Beam. This stacks with Spell Immunity. Additional selections can choose an additional spell.
  • Invisibility. Additional selections allow the caster to choose one of the following additional effects: Advanced Invisbility, Aspect of the Paths or Aspect of Nature.


Invisibility has the following properties:

  • Any objects on you (e.g. wearing, carrying, holding etc.) when you cast up Invisibility are invisible.
  • You can transfer any invisible objects around your person and they remain invisible (e.g. you can take out an invisible sword from its scabbard and place it in your hand and it will remain invisible).
  • Any objects that leave you (e.g. dropped, given to another person etc.) become visible.
  • Any objects on you after you cast up Invisibility are visible (e.g. picking up a sword after casting Invisibility, the sword will remain visible, even if put in an invisible scabbard, hidden in an invisible cloak etc.)

N.B. Effects like light will be visible (e.g. if you are holding an invisible lantern the lantern itself will be invisible, but the light coming out of it will be visible).

Invisibility dissipates if the caster performs any of the following actions:

  • moves faster than a normal walk
  • makes an attack
  • casts any spell or miracle (this excludes Aspect of Nature/Aspect of the Paths/Extend/Extension on the Invisibility specific casting), whether directly or via an item. Invisibility is broken when you start casting (including starting a ritual).

N.B. This means you can for instance open a door, pull a lever etc. and remain invisible, though the action will be seen.

It is also ineffective against creatures that do no use sight as their primary sense. This includes:

  • All animals and were versions of those.

It is also ineffective against the Enhanced Smell miracle.

The target will also be revealed by the spells Detect Magic, Magic Sight and Magic Divination. Additionally, if the target is a follower of a path or if they have miracles running on them they will be detected by Discern <Path> or Power Sight.

If the target is attacked by a wildly swinging character who is aware that there’s someone invisible nearby, they have the same protection as Displacement 5. They can ignore damage from deliberate attacks, but can still take collateral damage if they are hit ‘accidentally’ (e.g. while walking through a battle line, hit by a wildly swinging character who is aware that there’s someone invisible nearby). The player should tell the GM about all attacks when battleboarding and they have the final say on any damage taken.

The player must wear a red baseball cap (or similar) to signify their Invisible state.

Darksight can see through Invisibility.

Advanced Invisibility

As Invisibility, but the target is not revealed by Detect Magic, Magic Sight and Magic Divination. Additionally, if the target is a follower of a path or if they have miracles running on them they will not be detected by Discern <Path> or Power Sight.

Advanced Darksight can see through Advanced Invisibility.

Aspect of Nature

Aspect of Nature allows the caster to modify the effect of Invisibility so that it also hides them from creatures that use smell and hearing as their primary sense. This includes:

  • All animals and were versions of those

It is also effective against the Enhanced Smell miracle.

Aspect of the Paths

Aspect of the Paths allows the caster to modify the effect of Invisibility so that it also hides them from extra-planar creatures from a particular Path. This includes:

  • Chaos – All Chaos extra-planar creatures (e.g Demons)
  • Life – All Life extra-planar creatures (e.g Angels)
  • Order – All Order extra-planar creatures AND All golems, constructs and other animated objects
  • Death – All Death extra-planar creatures AND All undead
  • Balance – All Balance extra-planar creatures
  • Justice – All Justice extra-planar creatures
  • Freedom – All Freedom extra-planar creatures
  • Might – All Might extra-planar creatures
  • Anarchy – All Anarchy extra-planar creatures
  • Nature – All Nature extra-planar creatures. This does not include generic plant creatures like shambling mounds.

This spell option can be cast chosen multiple times for different Paths.

While in Light Form, the target can only cast spells from the school of Light.

The target of Light Form must have dedicated themselves to the school of Light. Light Form can only be learnt and cast if Light is the primary School of the caster and target.

Mirror Image <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
Prerequisites: Invisibility Displacement 5
Mirror Image hides the caster and creates <n> additional images in a slightly different position, causing the next <n> attacks to miss. Attacks that do not take a targets Dexterity into account (e.g. Unholy Word, Disruption, etc.) or area of effect attacks (e.g. Fireball, Mass Harm, etc.) will ignore the effects of the Mirror Image.

As soon as the Mirror Image takes damage, it is destroyed. A Mirror Image is not affected by any of the protective bonuses (or penalties) of the caster (e.g. Dexterity, armour, defensive spells/miracles etc.). (In the real world, if the Player is hit by any attack, a Mirror Image is destroyed). Physical area attacks (e.g. Fireball, though not Mass Harm) will destroy all the Mirror Images and also damage the caster as normal. Once all the Mirror Images are destroyed or dispelled, the caster is no longer hidden. The player should call “Dodge” when a Mirror Image is destroyed.

Note, only one Mirror Image of any level can be cast on a character at any one time and the spell is still in effect even after all images have been destroyed. To cast another Mirror Image before a previous one expires thus requires the original to be dispelled or cancelled.

Darksight can see through Mirror Image.

Disguise <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person

Disguise allows the target to form an illusion around himself to alter their race.
The level of the Disguise needs to be sufficient for the race of the creature you wish to disguise yourself as.

Example: Aurinyan only needs Disguise Specialisation to disguise himself as a Goblin, but would need Disguise Expertise to disguise himself as a Fire Goblin.

Anyone with a Recognise Creature skill higher than than the Disguise level can see through the Disguise, in which case the target should call back with whatever their true race call would be for the Recognise Creature level and with the fact that they were disguised.

Example: Aurinyan (an Elf) casts Disguise Specialisation (Orc). He then wanders down a path to talk to some Orcs. As he approaches the Orcs, they call “Recognise Creature Proficiency” and Aurinyan’s player can say “Goblinoid”. If they had called “Recognise Creature Specialisation” he would have called back “Orc”. If they had called “Recognise Creature Expertise” he would have called back “Elf disguised as an Orc”.

You can cast a higher level Disguise to make the Disguise more convincing.

Example: Aurinyan (an Elf) casts Disguise Expertise (Orc). He then wanders down a path to talk to some Orcs. As he approaches the Orcs, they call “Recognise Creature Expertise” and Aurinyan’s player can say “Orc”. If they had called “Recognise Creature Mastery” he would have called back “Elf disguised as an Orc”.

You can use Disguise to disguise yourself as your same race, but not look like you.

Example: Aurinyan (an Elf) casts Disguise Proficiency (Elf). He then wanders down a path to talk to some Orcs. As he approaches the Orcs, they call “Recognise Creature Proficiency” and Aurinyan’s player can say “Elf that doesn’t look like me”. If they had called “Recognise Creature Specialisation” he would have called back “Elf disguised as an Elf”.

Disguise Legendary Mastery also allows the target to disguise themselves as a member of a Guild/Group that has a recognisable uniform, dress or identification symbol.
Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery will see through ANY Disguise.

Example: Aurinyan (an Elf) casts Disguise Legendary Mastery (Orc dressed as a Dark Blade). He then wanders down a path to talk to some Orcs. As he approaches the Orcs, they call “Recognise Creature Expertise” and Aurinyan’s player can say “Orc dressed as Dark Blade”. If they had called “Recognise Creature Legendary Mastery” he would have called back “Elf disguised as an Orc dressed as a Dark Blade”.


  • Every time you cast Disguise, you look like a different random individual of the specified race. Hence you cannot form the illusion of a specific individual of a race, thus the target could disguise himself as an Orc, but not a specific Orc.
  • Disguise only affects sight, so skills such as Recognise Smell are not affected.
  • Disguise is ineffective against creatures that do not use sight to sense their targets e.g. Undead.
  • The character must have seen and met the type of creature being disguised. A character may know enough about a type of creature to recognise it, but until they meet one he will not have sufficient information to successfully disguise himself as one.
  • Although you can disguise yourself as a creature with a vastly different size/shape, anyone/anything interacting within the illusion will render the illusion unbelievable e.g. if you disguise yourself as a 20’ giant and then walk through a forest, branches may stick through the illusion.
  • If the character acts obviously out of character, creatures may see through the disguise. This is a roleplaying decision, but should be played fairly by all involved. If a character disguises himself as a Goblin but doesn’t act like a Goblin (i.e. no squeaky voice, no scuttling walk, etc.), then other Goblins will become suspicious and may see through the disguise.

The player should denote they are under a Disguise by wearing a plain white mask or providing suitable phys reps such as appropriate face paint and clothing.

Disguise will be detected by the spells Detect Magic and Magic Sight. But you will not be able to detect that the target is specifically under a disguise (unless by Magic Divination). e.g. a Human disguised as an Elf, would look the same under Magic Sight as an Elf with a Fire Skin cast up. Also if the same Human disguised as an Elf was also under an Invisibility, then under Dark Sight, they would look like an Elf, under Magic Sight, they would look the same as an Elf with a Fire Skin cast up.

Mass Disguise <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Prerequisite: Disguise <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Disguise <n>.

The form selected is defined by the caster and applies to all characters.

Clear Sight (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Person
Clear Sight removes the effect of Blindness from the target character. This includes the following spells/miracles: Blindness, Dazzle & Flash.

Example: Orchid is attacked by a drow who casts Blindness 1 on him, as he has no Willpower he is blinded. Fortunately, a nice Light Mage casts Clear Sight on him, and the effect of the Blindess spell is immediately removed.

Mass Clear Sight

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Clear Sight.

Reduce <Strength> Weakness

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 Minutes
Target: Person

Reduces the effects of all Weakness effects on a target by <Strength>. Weakness effects reduced to no effect are dispelled.

Example: Harlock has single strength and is under the effects of a double weakness. A friendly light mage casts Reduce Weakness on him. For the next 15 minutes, the double Weakness is reduced to single Weakness and Harlock can stand again.

Light Beam <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted By: Power armour, Dexterity
Power: Light

Light Beam <n> causes <n> points of Sun power damage to a single location on the target chosen by the caster. The spell vocal should end with the words “Light Beam <n> <location>” to indicate the damage and chosen location and the caster should point at the targeted character.