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School of Fire Magic (New)

The School of Fire contains spells that manipulate fire. Fire spells are mainly centred around causing damage and harm.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Fire Dart 2 Fire Dart 4 Fire Dart 6 Fire Dart 8
Ignite Combust 2 Combust 4 Combust 6 Combust 8
Flaming Hands 2 Flaming Hands 4 Flaming Hands 6
Radiate (S) Radiate (T)
Fire Skin 1 Fire Skin 2 Fire Skin 3 Fire Skin 4 Fire Skin 5
Glowing Mark 1 Glowing Mark 2
Destroy (T) Destroy (R) Disintegrate (T) Disintegrate (R)
Heat Metal (T) Heat Metal (R)
Flash 1 Flash 2
Flame Blade 0 Flame Blade 1 Flame Blade 2 Flame Blade 3 Flame Blade 4
Fire Form 1
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Fire Dart 10 Fire Dart 12 Fire Dart 14 Fire Dart 16 Fire Dart 18 Fire Dart 20
Fire Ball 2 Fire Ball 4 Fire Ball 6 Fire Ball 8 Fire Ball 10 Fire Ball 12
Combust 10 Combust 12 Combust 14 Combust 16 Combust 18 Combust 20
Scorch 2 Scorch 4 Scorch 6 Scorch 8 Scorch 10 Scorch 12
Flaming Hands 8 Flaming Hands 10 Flaming Hands 12 Flaming Hands 14 Flaming Hands 16 Flaming Hands 18
Flaming Breath 2 Flaming Breath 4 Flaming Breath 6 Flaming Breath 8 Flaming Breath 10 Flaming Breath 12
Immolate (S) Immolate (T)
Fire Skin 6 Fire Skin 7 Fire Skin 8 Fire Skin 9 Fire Skin 10 Fire Skin 11
Glowing Mark 3 Glowing Mark 4 Glowing Mark 5
Shatter (T) Shatter (R)
Mass Destroy Mass Disintegrate
Flash 3 Flash 4 Flash 5
Mass Flash 1 Mass Flash 2 Mass Flash 3
Flame Blade 5 Flame Blade 6 Flame Blade 7 Flame Blade 8 Flame Blade 9 Flame Blade 10
Fire Form 2 Fire Form 3 Fire Form 4
Fire Dart <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted by: Power armour, Dexterity
Power: Fire
Fire Dart <n> causes <n> points of Power damage to every location of the target creature and <n> Life Point damage. The spell vocal should end with the words “Fire Dart <n>” to indicate the damage and the caster should point at the targeted character.

Fire Ball <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Power armour, Dexterity (halved) if not target
Pre-requisite: Fire Dart <n + 8>
Power: Fire
Fire Ball <n> has the same effect as Fire Dart <n> to all targets within its area of effect. The caster can place the centre point up to 20’ away and all characters within a 10’ radius of the point are affected. Note that the caster can target the spell on himself, but will also be affected by the spell.

The targeted character gains no defence from Dexterity and for all others in the area of effect Dexterity is only half as effective.


Range: Self/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Object
Resisted by: Power armour
Power: Fire
This can be used:

  • To provide a flame on the caster’s thumb (which does not harm the caster). This flame can illuminate a small area (like a candle), enough to read/examine objects in the dark. The player must provide his own candle/led substitute as a Phys. Rep. for the flame. The flame can be put out by the Extinguish air spell.
  • Ignite a single flammable object within 20’ of the caster. If the object is being worn by a creature, it takes 1 point of Power damage per minute for 15 minutes or until the fire is put out (10 seconds of vigorous patting or the Extinguish air spell). A character with any form of Power protection is unaffected by this spell.
Combust <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted by: Power armour, Toughness
Power: Fire
Combust <n> causes <n> points of Power damage to every location of the target creature and <n> Life Point damage. The spell vocal should end with the words “Combust <n>” to indicate the damage and the caster should point at the targeted character.

Even though this spell causes Power damage, the character’s Toughness reduces the damage.

Example: Breeze is in a Storm Skin 3 when he is targeted by a Combust 6 spell. The Storm Skin reduces this by 3, so Breeze only takes 3 Life Point damage and 3 Body Point damage to all locations.

Combust cannot be down-cast as Ignite.

Scorch <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Power armour, Toughness
Pre-requisite: Combust <n + 8>
Power: Fire
Scorch <n> has the same effect as Combust <n> to all targets within its area of effect. The caster can place the centre point up to 20’ away and all characters within a 10’ radius of the point are affected. Note that the caster can target the spell on himself but will also be affected by the spell.

All characters in the area of effect use their Toughness to reduce the damage.

Flaming Hands <n>

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (5’ Cone)
Resisted by: Power armour, Dexterity (halved)
Power: Fire
This spell causes a burst of flame to shoot from the caster, targeting all characters in a 90 degree cone 5’ long (so effectively 7’ wide at the end). The caster should indicate the affected area with his arms. The size of the affected area cannot be modified.

Everyone in the cone takes <n> Body Points of Power Damage to every location and <n> Life Point damage.

Dexterity is only half as effective (rounded down).

Flaming Breath <n>

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (20’ Cone)
Resisted by: Power armour, Dexterity (halved)
Pre-requisite: Flaming Hands <n + 6>
Power: Fire
This spell causes a burst of intense flame to shoot from the caster, targeting all characters in a 90 degree cone 20’ long (so effectively 28’ wide at the end). The caster should indicate the affected area with his arms. The size of the affected area cannot be modified.

Everyone in the cone takes <n> Body Points of Power Damage to every location and <n> Life Point damage.

Dexterity is only half as effective (rounded down).

Radiate (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
For the duration of the spell, the target radiates heat which is sufficient to burn any plants that he touches. Thus he cannot be affected by Trip or Entangle.

Note that Grip, Double Grip or similar spells and miracles which fix him to the earth will still be effective.

The target also gains the following benefits:

  • Immunity to Freeze and Slow spells as Radiate keeps his body at a fairly high temperature.

The target leaves a blackened trail behind him, which makes the use of this spell very unpopular with Druids.

Immolate (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Power: Fire
Immolate is an advanced form of Radiate that, as well as all the benefits of that spell, also gives the following:

  • Anything touching (or being touched by) the target suffers the effects of a Destroy spell and is destroyed unless protected. The target and anything they wear/carry is immune to this.
  • A Touch fire attack that does 4 Fire Power Damage. This can be Dodged.

If Touching an object call “Destroy”. If Touching a person call “Fire 4 Destroy”, this can be dodged/bounced as normal. You can still cast a Touch attack spell/miracle with Immolate running, in which case the call is “<Touch attack> Fire 4 Destroy”, the Touch attack cannot be dodged, but the rest can be dodged/bounced as normal. Ambidexterity is needed to attack with both hands as normal.

Fire Skin <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive
Target: Person
Fire Skin <n> gives the character touched <n> points of Power protection.

Glowing Mark <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by:
Glowing Mark lines the targets body with a glowing red flame, which doesn’t actually cause any damage, but does make the target easier to see, even in bright daylight.

For the duration of the spell, the target’s Dexterity bonus is reduced by <n>, to a minimum of 0. In addition, Glowing Mark negates the effects of invisibility and incorporeality, causing the target to be seen clearly.

Destroy (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Object
Resisted by: Protective castings
Destroys any one non-living object touched or up to a range of 20’.

Mass Destroy

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Protective casting
Prerequisite: Destroy (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and a type of item (Shield, Weapon, Armour). One item of the specified type on all characters within 10’ of the point is affected by a Destroy. The Destroy targets items currently being used first, but continues to other items of the specified type until it takes effect. If a type of Armour is specified, each location is treated as a separate item and the Destroy progresses from the strongest to the weakest.

In addition, all non-owned items of that type within 10’ of the point are affected by a Destroy.

Example: A party of brave adventurers are fighting a group of Orcs, and have nearly finished defeating them when a Priest of Chaos turns up and casts Mass Destroy Weapon. Each character in the area will have the weapon he is currently using affected by a Destroy.

In the case where two weapons are being used, the primary weapon is affected first. If the weapon is protected, the Destroy will move to another weapon owned by the character, targeting a secondary weapon followed by all other weapons starting with the largest (i.e. most damage).

The Destroy stops affecting each character once it runs out of targets or it destroys a weapon.

The Destroy also destroys all the weapons from the fallen as they are currently unowned.

Disintegrate (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Object
Resisted by: Protective castings
Destroys any one non-living object touched or up to a range of 20’.
The pieces take 15 man-minutes of collecting before they object can be mended.

Mass Disintegrate

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Protective casting
Prerequisite: Disintegrate (R)
As Mass Destroy, except that the items are targeted by a Disintegrate instead of a Destroy.

Shatter (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Object
Resisted by: Protective casting
Destroys any one non-living object touched or up to a range of 20’.

The target of the Shatter cannot be repaired by any means for 15 minutes (unless the Shatter is dispelled/cancelled).

Heat Metal (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Object (metal)
Resisted by: Protective casting
Power: Fire
Heat Metal can be used on any unprotected metal item. An affected item slowly heats up over several minutes, causing Fire Power damage to anyone in contact with it.

The item initially causes 1 point of Fire Power damage at the end of the first minute. For every subsequent minute, the Power damage caused increases by 1 until the end of the 8th minute. After the 8th minute the Power damage remains at 8 points until 7 minutes before the end of the spell when it decreases by 1 until the duration ends.

Example: Mara casts Heat Meat on a metal breastplate. The Fire Power damage at end of each minute is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Example: Mara casts Heat Meat on a metal breastplate and cancels it after 5 minutes. The Fire Power damage at end of each minute is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. It then goes to 0 instantly.

Example: Mara casts Heat Meat on a metal breastplate and extends it to an hour duration. The Fire Power damage at end of each minute is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, …40 mins at 8…, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Example: Mara creates a permanent item of Heat Meat. As soon as it is created it begins to heat up. The Fire Power damage at end of each minute is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, … 8 for ever until it is destroyed.

This Body Point damage is caused every minute to all locations Touched by the metal object. The Life Point damage is equal to the total amount of Body Point damage caused.

Any spell/miracle that protects against a breaking spell will also protect an item from the effects of Heat Metal.

Flash <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Toughness
Any target with Toughness less than <n> is blinded (see The System for a description of this effect). With the following additional penalty:

  • The first attack (melee/missile/thrown/touch/spell/miracle etc.) the character makes within the 10 seconds automatically misses.
Mass Flash <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Toughness
Prerequisite: Flash <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Flash <n>.

Flame Blade <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Protective (Weapon)
Target: Weapon
Power: Fire
Flame Blade can be cast on any weapon and adds <n> fire Power damage for 15 minutes. If cast on a non-metal weapon, the weapon is destroyed as soon as the spell expires due to burning damage. The weapon can be protected against this effect by the use of miracles, for example the Tree miracle Shillelagh.

Flame Blade 0 causes no additional damage, but does protect the weapon from being melted, warped or otherwise destroyed by magical means.

The call upon a successful hit is “Fire <n>”, if the weapon is doing additional damage.

Fire Form <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
Power: Fire
This spell begins transforming the target’s body into fire. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal, Fire ]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time.
  • A Touch fire attack that does 2 Fire Power Damage (which stacks with Immolate). Additional selections increase the power damage by 2 each time. This can be Dodged.
  • All Fire spells the target casts require 1 less Mana (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target is immune to one of the following spells: Fire Dart, Combust, Glowing Mark, Destroy, Heat Metal & Flash. This stacks with Spell Immunity. Additional selections can choose an additional spell.

While in Fire Form, the target can only cast spells from the school of Fire.

The target of Fire Form must have dedicated themselves to the element of Fire. Fire Form can only be learnt and cast if Fire is the primary School of the caster and target.