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School of Air Magic

The School of Air contains spells that manipulate the air and electricity. Air spells can be used in defence and attack, but also provide methods for moving quickly from one place to another.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Air Blast 2 Air Blast 4 Air Blast 6 Air Blast 8 Air Blast 10
Air Bomb 2
Wall of Air 2 Wall of Air 4 Wall of Air 6 Wall of Air 8 Wall of Air 10
Storm Skin 1 Storm Skin 2 Storm Skin 3 Storm Skin 4 Storm Skin 5
Shocking Grasp 4 Shocking Grasp 9 Shocking Grasp 14 Shocking Grasp 20 Shocking Grasp 26
Storm Hand 1 Storm Hand 2 Storm Hand 3 Storm Hand 4
Sleep 1 Sleep 2
Blink 0 Blink 1 Blink 2
Recall 0 Recall 1 Recall 2 Recall 3 Recall 4
Float (S) Float (T) Float (R)
Extinguish Gale Double Gale
Air Form 1
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Air Blast 12 Air Blast 14 Air Blast 16 Air Blast 18 Air Blast 20 Air Blast 22
Air Bomb 4 Air Bomb 6 Air Bomb 8 Air Bomb 10 Air Bomb 12 Air Bomb 14
Wall of Air 12 Wall of Air 14 Wall of Air 16 Wall of Air 18 Wall of Air 20 Wall of Air 22
Storm Skin 6 Storm Skin 7 Storm Skin 8 Storm Skin 9 Storm Skin 10 Storm Skin 11
Shocking Grasp 32 Shocking Grasp 39 Shocking Grasp 46 Shocking Grasp 53 Shocking Grasp 60 Shocking Grasp 68
Storm Hand 5 Storm Hand 6 Storm Hand 7 Storm Hand 8 Storm Hand 9 Storm Hand 10
Sleep 3 Sleep 4 Sleep 5
Mass Sleep 1 Mass Sleep 2 Mass Sleep 3
Blink 3 Blink 4 Blink 5
Recall 5 Recall 6 Recall 7 Recall 8 Recall 9 Recall 10
Mass Float
Triple Gale Quadruple Gale Quintuple Gale
Air Form 2 Air Form 3 Air Form 4
Air Blast <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Person
Resisted by: Normal armour, Toughness, Dexterity
Air Blast does <n> points of Normal damage to every location of the target creature and <n> points of Life damage.

The Life damage taken is equal to the maximum damage taken to a location.

Example: Vilnius is wearing Studded Leather (giving him 3 Armour) all over his body except his head, which has a Leather hat (giving him 2 Armour). He is hit by an Air Blast 10. He takes 7 damage to each location except his head, which takes 8 damage. He also takes 8 Life damage.

Air Bomb <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Normal armour, Toughness, Dexterity (halved) if not target
Pre-requisite: Air Blast <n + 8>
Air Bomb <n> has the same effect as Air Blast <n> to all targets within its area of effect. The Mage can place the centre point up to 20’ away and all characters within a 10’ radius of the point are affected. Note that the Mage can target the spell on himself but will also be affected by the spell.

The targeted character gains no defence from Dexterity and for all others in the area of effect Dexterity is only half as effective.

Wall of Air <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive
Target: Area
This spell allows the caster to create an immovable, solid wall of air up to 10’ long, protecting all those behind the wall from melee & missile attacks (so not Air Blast).

Normal damage from all melee & missile attacks passing through the Wall of Air are reduced by <n>. If the Normal damage from a weapon is completely negated, then any Power damage is also negated.

Note that Wall of Air is not an Armouring enchantment cast on a character, but provides an extra layer of protection present in the environment. Thus, the protection provided by the Wall of Air stacks with any Normal protection which is had by a character.

Example: Breeze casts Wall of Air 6 in a circle around himself, while also protected by Harden 3. He is then attacked by an Orc with a 1H Axe, doing 9 points of Normal damage. The Wall of Air reduces this to 3 and the Harden then reduces this to 0 (though he still takes a point of bruising damage).

He is then attacked by a Goblin with a Dagger, doing 5 Normal and 3 Fire damage. The Wall of Air reduces the Normal damage to 0, so the Goblin’s attack is completely negated. Breeze doesn’t even take any bruising damage as the Dagger isn’t even hitting him.

Wall of Air spells cannot themselves be stacked. If the character is protected by more than one Wall of Air spell, only the highest level spell is counted.

Wall of Air only reduces the normal damage, it has no additional effect on special strikes.

Example: Breeze is behind a Wall Of Air 4.
If hit for 10 he will take 6.
If hit for Piercing 10 he will take Piercing 6.
If hit for Swift 10 he will take Swift 6.
If hit for Through 10 he will take Through 6. etc.

Wall of Air can be stacked with Gale against missile weapons.

Example: Breeze is behind a Wall of Air 2 and has a Gale cast up.
He is attacked by an arrow doing Swift Piercing 12. If the arrow goes through the Wall of Air and Gale it will be reduced to Swift Piercing 2.

In order to cast this spell, the player needs a 10’ long piece of brightly coloured cord or ribbon as a Phys Rep. When casting the spell, this is used to determine the extent of the wall.

Wall of Air does not stop people moving through it.

Storm Skin <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive
Target: Person
Storm Skin <n> gives the character touched <n> points of Power protection.

Shocking Grasp <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Power armour
Power: Lightning
Causes <n> Power Body Damage to the location touched.
Shocking Grasp cannot take a location below -10 as there’s effectively no location beyond that point.

This spell can be cast through a metal melee weapon, but only half damage (round down) is caused if 2H or quarter damage (round down) if 1H. Casting through a weapon obeys the following rules:

  • Stacking Weapon Spells/Miracles e.g. you could not cast Shocking Grasp through a sword which already had a Flame Blade on it.
  • Standard casting rules e.g. you must have the appropriate number of hands free when casting the spell.
  • Spell Immunity (Shocking Grasp) will prevent both the standard Touch attack and if it is cast through a weapon. Though you will still take any normal damage associated with the weapon.

Example: Ariel has no Strength and 1H Sword Proficiency, so does 4’s with her normal 1H sword. She casts up Shocking Grasp 39, which requires 2 hands, so she cannot be holding her sword at the time. She then has 30 seconds to release it through the sword. On releasing it, she calls “4 Shocking Grasp 9”.
If the target has 4 or more points of Dexterity the whole effect is dodged. Otherwise the whole effect takes place (even if the target was only bruised by the 4 or bounced it completely). The Shocking Grasp 9 only does Body damage (which can be prevented with Power armour as normal).

Storm Hand <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Power: Lightning
For 15 minutes the caster can cause <n> points of Power damage with their hands. The call is “Lightning <n>”.

When cast Storm Hands is active on both hands. If you have Ambidexterity you can attack with either hand, otherwise you can only attack with your primary hand.

Once ‘on’, you cannot turn Storm Hands ‘off’ without cancelling the spell. Hence if you were to touch a friend, you would harm them.

Sleep <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Toughness
A band of air tightens around the target’s throat. The target falls unconscious for 15 minutes.

The target can be awoken before this by any of the following methods:

  • Causing any damage (including subdual and bruising, excluding damage soaked by Endurance).
  • Draining/Stealing any Mana/Standing.

This spell will not work on any creature that does not breathe.

Mass Sleep <n>

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Area
Resisted by: Toughness
Prerequisite: Sleep <n>
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Sleep <n>.

Blink <n>

Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Person
Blink 0 moves the caster instantaneously from one spot to another. The caster must shout “Blink – Time Freeze”, and can then walk 10 paces (normal walking steps) in a straight line to another position. He cannot walk through anything or anybody, must take the full 10 paces unless he is obstructed and his facing remains unchanged.

Blink <n> allows <n> options to be chosen from the following list:

  • Increase distance by 10 paces (can be taken multiple times)
  • Take an additional character (can be taken multiple times). The additional character(s) must touch the caster. The caster must go with the character(s).
  • Go through solid objects (including Grip, Entangle and people)
  • Change facing at the start
  • Change facing at the end

Example: Thalassa casts Blink 3 and takes 2 players with her 20 paces.

Example: Thalassa casts Blink 4 and takes 2 players with her 20 paces, and all can go though solid objects.

Example: Thalassa casts Blink 5 and takes 2 players with her 20 paces, and all can go though solid objects and change their facing at the end.

Blink has the following properties:

  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN blink THROUGH Wards, only if ALL each have sufficient Willpower or have been attacked.

If the caster would reappear the Blink inside a solid object, the caster (and all accompanying persons) will appear in the nearest space capable of containing them between the end point and the start point unconscious for 5 minutes or until damaged.

Recall <n>

Range: Touch (target point), Self (teleport)
Duration: 15 minutes (target point), Variable (teleport)
Target: Area (target point), Person (teleport)
Recall 0 allows the caster to travel to a previously prepared point up to 20’ away.

Recall has the following properties:

  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall THROUGH solid objects (including Grip, Entangle and people).
  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall THROUGH Wards, only if ALL each have sufficient Willpower or have been attacked.
  • The caster (and any extra characters brought) CAN recall AROUND Wards, if have sufficient distance.

First the caster must prepare the spot by casting a Recall spell. This imprints the area within the caster’s mind, creating a connection between the two. This connection will last for 15 minutes, but higher levels of the Recall spell can be used to extend the duration in the normal way. Extension spells and Extend miracles can also be used. A character can only have one such connection and preparing a new site removes the old one. Recall points are personal to the caster and cannot be used by others.

Example: Faliece has a charged item containing 2 charges of Recall 0. He uses the first charge to set a recall point. He then gives the item to Thalassa who uses the Magic Divination spell to attune to it immediately. She cannot use the remaining charge to travel to Faliece’s recall spot.

The recall spot prepared is a point in space, it cannot be moved. Hence a recall spot cannot be put in an item.

To travel to the recall point, the caster casts another Recall. Recall 0 can only be cast on the character and will only take him 20’. For every additional level, the caster can choose one of the following:

  • Double the range (40’, 80’, 160’, etc.)
  • Take one other character

The range of Recall is the shortest available route from the departure point to the recall point. This is usually a straight line, but if for instance there was a Ward in the way, the range would be the distance you would have to go around the Ward (if even possible).

Casting Recall when the prepared site is out of range causes the target(s) of the spell to be temporarily trapped in the ethereal plane, bounced about by the magical whiplash. After a few seconds, they will reappear at the departure point, unconscious for 5 minutes or until damaged.

After the player has cast the Recall spell, he simply puts his hand in the air to signify that he is no longer present and walks to the prepared site (this is counted as ‘time in’).

Example: Thalassa is about to enter what looks like a goblin invested cave, so she decides to set up an escape route. Locating a likely spot just off the path, she casts Recall 0 on the area and then Extension 1 to make sure it lasts for 4 hours. Then she and her brave adventuring friends enter the cave.
Though everything starts well, they eventually come across a Goblin Shaman who’s proving a bit too much for them. Thalassa is cornered on her own and decides that its time to make a quick exit. Not being exactly sure how far away the site is, she casts Recall 4 and uses every level to double the range (giving a distance 320’). Fortunately, this is well within range and she escapes the massacre.

Float (S)/(T)/(R)

Range: Self/Touch/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Target Person
For the duration of the spell, the effected character is floating 1" above the ground.

He cannot be affected by Grip or Earthquake (Entangle is still effective).
Characters who are under a Float will always be blown back by Gale regardless of their Strength.

Mass Float

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Target Area (10’ Radius)
Prerequisite: Float (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a Float.


Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Flame
This will extinguish a natural fire up to the size of a torch or the Ignite spell.
It will not extinguish the Light/Lantern spell.

<Strength> Gale

Range: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area
Resisted by: Strength
Gale lasts for one minute, or until the caster decides to stop it. The caster must stand upright and hold his arms in an arc. All characters without at least Strength equal to the level of the Gale will be blown back 20’ directly away from the caster. Even characters with the required level of Strength are slowed as they approach.

Characters who are under a Float will always be blown back regardless of their Strength.
If the Gale is sufficiently strong enough, characters (excluding the caster) who are under a Grip (or similar effect) will be pulled out of the Grip (taking 5 seconds per location as usual) and blown back.

The Gale is only in effect within the arc of the caster’s arms. The size of the arc can be chosen by the caster (up to 180 degrees) but cannot be varied once cast. The Gale ends when the duration expires or the caster closes his arms (in which case it cannot be restarted without re-casting the spell).

The caster can move at a slow walk and turn with a Gale in effect.

Gale also protects the caster from missile weapons, reducing all damage by 8 per level of Strength.

In addition, if any Gale is active in the area where a weapon has been destroyed it takes 15 man-minutes to retrieve all the pieces.

Air Form <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
This spell begins transforming the target’s body into air. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time.
  • The target gains the ability to cast one Air Blast/Bomb as Piercing. Additional selections increase the number of times this can be done.
  • All Air spells the target casts require 1 less Mana (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target is immune to one of the following spells: Air Blast, Shocking Grasp & Sleep. This stacks with Spell Immunity. Additional selections can choose an additional spell.

While in Air Form, the target can only cast spells from the school of Air.

The caster of Air Form must have dedicated themselves to the element of Air. Air Form can only be learnt and cast if Air is the primary School of the caster and target.