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School of Earth Magic

The School of Earth contains spells that manipulate earth and metal. Earth spells are good for both defence and attack, though only covering Normal damage.

Anything that looks like this is a restricted casting that needs requesting from the Character Ref. In addition, your character must be of the minimum rank indicated before they can learn the casting.

Low Level
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Endurance 3 Endurance 6 Endurance 9 Endurance 12 Endurance 15
Strength Double Strength
Bludgeon 1 Bludgeon 2 Bludgeon 3 Bludgeon 4
Blade Sharp 1 Blade Sharp 2 Blade Sharp 3 Blade Sharp 4
Shattering Blow 1 Shattering Blow 2
Grip (T) Grip (R) Double Grip (T) Double Grip (R)
Warp (T) Warp (R)
Mend (T) Mend (R) Gather and Mend
Earth Withdraw (S) Earth Withdraw (T)
Iron Skin 2 Iron Skin 4 Iron Skin 6 Iron Skin 8
Earth Form 1
Tremor 1 Tremor 2
High Level Rank to learn
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
15 20 30 40 55 70
Endurance 18 Endurance 21 Endurance 24 Endurance 27 Endurance 30 Endurance 33
Triple Strength Quadruple Strength Quintuple Strength
Bludgeon 5 Bludgeon 6 Bludgeon 7 Bludgeon 8 Bludgeon 9 Bludgeon 10
Blade Sharp 5 Blade Sharp 6 Blade Sharp 7 Blade Sharp 8 Blade Sharp 9 Blade Sharp 10
Shattering Blow 3 Shattering Blow 4 Shattering Blow 5
Triple Grip (T) Triple Grip (R) Quadruple Grip (T) Quadruple Grip (R) Quintuple Grip (T) Quintuple Grip (R)
Mass Grip Mass Double Grip Mass Triple Grip
Mass Warp
Mass Mend
Iron Skin 10 Iron Skin 12 Iron Skin 14 Iron Skin 16 Iron Skin 18 Iron Skin 20
Aspect of the Schools Aspect of the Principles
Metal Immunity (S) Metal Immunity (T)
Earth Form 2 Earth Form 3 Earth Form 4
Tremor 3 Tremor 4 Tremor 5
Endurance <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Not stackable
Target: Person
Endurance <n> provides an ablative buffer of <n> points, reducing any damage taken until the points have all been used up. Endurance also absorbs casting damage.

Example: Tinker, an Elven Earth Mage, casts Endurance 9 on herself just before she is hit for 4 points of damage by a Goblin. This causes her no damage, but the ‘buffer’ from her Endurance is reduced to 5.

She then casts a Double Grip (T), a level 3 spell which would normally cause her 3 points of damage. However, this damage also comes off her Endurance, leaving 2 points left.

She is then struck by another Goblin, also doing 4 points of damage. The last points from her Endurance are used up and Tinker takes the remaining 2 points of damage.

Spells and miracles which cause damage to every location as well as life (e.g. Fire Dart, Disruption, etc.) have their base damage reduced by the Endurance with any left over taken off all locations and life.

Example: Later on Tinker is again involved in battle, this time against an enemy Fire Mage, and quickly casts her Endurance 9. She is almost immediately hit by a Fire Dart 6. This takes down 6 points from his Endurance but leaves her unharmed. The enemy Mage then repeats the trick, taking down the remaining 3 points from her Endurance with the rest getting through. Tinker takes 3 points of damage to each location and 3 points to her life.

Note: only one Endurance spell of any level can be cast on a character at any one time and the spell is still in effect even after it has been reduced to 0. To cast another Endurance before a previous one expires thus requires the original to be dispelled or Cancelled.

Example: Tinker wants to recast Endurance 9, but the previous one is still in effect. She can either wait for 15 minutes or cast Dispel 2 on the old Endurance 9 or concentrate for 30 seconds to cancel the spell.

Endurance does not protect you from Lethal Strike.

Example: Tinker has 2 points of Normal Armour. She is attacked by a monster doing 6 Lethal 5, thus she would normally take 4 Body Points to the head and 4 Life Points, then bleed for 5 Life Points every second that follows. If she had an Endurance 9 already cast up, this would soak up the initial 4 Body/Life points and 1 second of subsequent bleeding. Then she would continue to bleed to death.

<Strength> Strength

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Gives the target additional levels of Strength for 15 minutes, as the Strength skill. This increases the amount of damage he does with a weapon, and allows him to break out of some spells and miracles.

Note that this is not cumulative with any other strength increasing spell/miracle or with any Strength increasing skill.

Bludgeon <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Weapon (Blunt)
Increases the Normal damage of a bludgeoning weapon by <n> points up to a maximum of the weapon’s base damage (i.e. a 1H Mace, base 4, can have up to Bludgeon 4 cast on it). A spell of too high a level has its effect reduced to the maximum possible for the weapon.

The additional damage is non-magical and hence the weapon is not protected. The call is simply the new level of damage (e.g. a character wielding a 1H Mace, base 4, with Bludgeon 2 calls “Blunt 6”).

The enhancement from this spell increases the amount of Strength that can be added to the damage.

Bludgeon can be used on blunt throwing weapons (e.g. rocks).

Bludgeon cannot be used on claws.

If a weapon with a Bludgeon on is destroyed, and the weapon is subsequently mended, the Bludgeon will still be on it, if it hasn’t run out.

Blade Sharp <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Weapon (Sharp)
Increases the Normal damage of a bladed weapon by <n> points up to a maximum of the weapon’s base damage (i.e. a 1H Sword, base 4, can have up to Blade Sharp 4 cast on it). A spell of too high a level has its effect reduced to the maximum possible for the weapon.

The additional damage is non-magical and hence the weapon is not protected. The call is simply the new level of damage (e.g. a character wielding a 1H Sword, base 4, with Blade Sharp 2 calls “Sharp 6”).

The enhancement from this spell increases the amount of Strength that can be added to the damage.

Blade Sharp can be used on bow/crossbow and sharp throwing weapons.

Blade Sharp cannot be used on claws.

If a weapon with a Blade Sharp on is destroyed, and the weapon is subsequently mended, the Blade Sharp will still be on it, if it hasn’t run out.

Shattering Blow <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes or <n> attacks
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
After casting Shattering Blow <n>, the caster can perform <n> attacks doing +5 Normal damage for the duration of the miracle for the purposes of breaking a shield (or other object if allowed by GM) only. The caster must add the call “Shattering Blow” to the damage call before the attack is made, and if he misses that usage is wasted. At higher levels, Shattering Blows can be combined into a single blow. Thus Shattering Blow 2 can either be used to perform two attacks each with +5 Normal damage or a single attack with +10 damage.

Note, only one Shattering Blow spell of any level can be cast on a character at any one time and the miracle is still in effect even after it has been used. To cast another Shattering Blow before a previous one expires thus requires the original one to be dispelled or cancelled.

Shattering Blow does not stack with Mighty Blow, but does stack with the Shattering Blow weapon adept.

<Strength> Grip

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Person
Resisted by: Strength
Grip causes the ground to hold the target character for 15 minutes. Any part of the target’s body touching the ground is effected. If the character has Strength at least equal to the strength of the spell (i.e. Strength for Grip, Double Strength for Double Grip, etc) he can break the hold in 5 seconds per location. (i.e. A character with both feet held can break the hold in 10 seconds.)

You can Grip someone who is suffering the effects of an Earthquake, if so you will grip their head & body (as their legs/arms are in the air).

Mass <Strength> Grip

Range: 20’
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Strength
Prerequisite: <Strength> Grip (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and everyone within 10’ is targeted by a <Strength> Grip.

Warp (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Object (Non-Metal)
Resisted by: Protective casting
Warp destroys any one non-metal (e.g. wood, bone, stone etc.) object either touched or up to 20’ away.

Mass Warp

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Protective casting
Prerequisite: Warp (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and a type of item (Shield, Weapon, Armour). One item of the specified type on all characters within 10’ of the point is affected by a Warp. The Warp targets items currently being used first, but continues to other items of the specified type until it takes effect. If a type of Armour is specified, each location is treated as a separate item and the Warp progresses from the strongest to the weakest.

In addition, all non-owned items of that type within 10’ of the point are affected by a Warp.

Example: A party of brave adventurers are fighting a group of Orcs, and have nearly finished defeating them when a Priest of Chaos turns up and casts Mass Warp Weapon. Each character in the area will have the weapon he is currently using affected by a Warp.

In the case where two weapons are being used, the primary weapon is affected first. If the weapon is protected or an unsuitable material, the Warp will move to another weapon owned by the character, targeting a secondary weapon followed by all other weapons starting with the largest (i.e. most damage).

The Warp stops affecting each character once it runs out of targets or it destroys a weapon.

The Warp also destroys all the weapons from the fallen as they are currently unowned.

Mend (T)/(R)

Range: Touch/20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Object
Mends any one object, up to a volume of 1 cubic foot.

Gather and Mend

Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Object
Gather and Mend collects all the pieces of a broken object before mending it. Thus it can be used to instantaneously fix something that would normally require 15 man minutes of piece collecting first (i.e. for an object destroyed by a Disintegrate or which has been affected by Gale after being broken).

The pieces must all be within 100’ of the target point. Regardless if the pieces are being held or are enclosed, the pieces will disappear and reform into the object at the target point. If any pieces are not within range, then no pieces will move.

Mass Mend

Range: 20’
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Prerequisite: Mend (R)
The caster nominates a point (which may be a person, object or anything else equally obvious) and a type of item (Shield, Weapon, Armour), and everything of that type within 10’ is targeted by a Mend.

Earth Withdraw (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
The target affected by Earth Withdraw sinks into the ground. For the duration he is unable to move, communicate, or effect the environment around him and the world cannot affect the target.

In order to Earth Withdraw you cannot be restrained (e.g. by spells/miracles like Grip, Entangle etc. or physically by being held/ropes etc.).

When the Earth Withdraw ends, the target emerges from the same point that he entered. If the point is occupied, then they will emerge at the nearest available point unconscious for 5 minutes or until damaged.

The point at which the target withdraws from is magical and hence can be detected with skills/spells like Rec Magic, Magic Sight etc.

Someone can cast an appropriate Dispel Magic on Earth Withdraw if they can detect the point they withdrew from (as above) or know where it is as they saw them cast it/told exactly where it happened.

While withdrawn the following are true:

  • The target can breathe.
  • The target does still require sustenance (food & drink).
  • The target can rest, sleep, pray & meditate and regain Life/Standing/Mana as appropriate.
  • Any spells/miracles continue to affect the target and their duration decreases as normal.
  • The target cannot cast any spells/miracles (this excludes Extend/Extension on the Withdraw specific casting), use any items etc.
  • Any injuries, bleeding, poisons/diseases etc. will continue to affect the target.

The caster can Cancel the spell to end the withdraw early. Though on an OOC note they should decide on the duration of the withdraw before casting it, so cheating is avoided i.e. cancelling immediately after the area is safe.

Iron Skin <n>

Range: Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Defensive, Armouring
Target: Person
Iron Skin makes the target’s skin tougher, protecting him from normal damage. The target gains <n> points of Normal Armour.

The Dexterity penalty of the Iron Skin is equal to the Normal protection provided by the Iron Skin.

Example: Tinker casts Iron Skin 6. Her dexterity penalty is -6. She then casts Aspect of the Schools, to change the Iron Skin to provide 1 point of Fire protection and 4 points of Normal protection. Her dexterity penalty is now -4.

Aspect of the Schools

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Aspect of the Schools allows the caster to modify the effect of an Iron Skin so that it provides protection against Elemental based attacks (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Sun, Dark, Mystic). Every 1 point of Elemental protection reduces the Normal protection by 2.

Example: Tinker casts Iron Skin 6 on herself followed by Aspect of the Schools, using the latter to convert the Iron Skin to provide 1 point of Fire protection and 4 points of Normal protection.

If the Iron Skin is dispelled, the Aspect of the Schools is also dispelled.

If the Aspect of the Schools is cancelled or dispelled before the Iron Skin expires, the Iron Skin spell will revert to providing just Normal protection.

Multiple Aspect spells can be active at the same time, but each one can only modify the Normal protection.

Example: Tinker follows the Aspect of the Schools (Fire) with Aspect of the Schools (Ice) on her Iron Skin 6. As she has already modified 2 points of Normal protection to be effective against Fire she can only modify the remaining 4 points to be effective against Ice. She chooses to modify the Iron Skin so that it provides 1 point of Fire protection, 1 point of Ice protection and 2 points of Normal protection.

Recasting Aspect of the Schools with a previously used element allows the caster to re-assign the protection from Normal and the specific element, but not protection assigned to attack from other elements.

Example: Tinker recasts Aspect of the Schools (Fire) further modifying the Iron Skin to provide 2 points of Fire protection and 1 point of Ice protection.

Aspect of the Principles

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Target: Person
Aspect of the Principles allows the caster to modify the effect of an Iron Skin so that it provides protection against Principle based attacks (Chaos, Holy, Unholy, Sap). Every 1 point of Principle protection reduces the Normal protection by 2.

Example: Tinker casts Iron Skin 8 on herself followed by Aspect of the Principles, using the latter to convert the Iron Skin to provide 2 points of Chaos protection and 4 points of Normal protection.

If the Iron Skin is dispelled, the Aspect of the Principles is also dispelled.

If the Aspect of the Principles is cancelled or dispelled before the Iron Skin expires, the Iron Skin spell will revert to providing just Normal protection.

Multiple Aspect spells can be active at the same time, but each one can only modify the Normal protection.

Example: Tinker follows the Aspect of the Principles with Aspect of the Schools (Lightning) on the Iron Skin 8. As she has already modified 4 points of Normal protection to be effective against Chaos she can only modify the remaining 4 points to be effective against Lightning. She chooses to modify the Iron Skin so that it provides 1 point of Lightning protection, 2 points of Chaos protection and 2 points of Normal protection.

Recasting Aspect of the Principles allows the caster to re-assign the protection from Normal but not protection assigned to other attack types.

Example: Tinker recasts Aspect of the Principles (Chaos) further modifying the Iron Skin to provide 3 points of Chaos protection and 1 point of Lightning protection.

Metal Immunity (S)/(T)

Range: Self/Touch
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: DR10 [Metal]
Target: Person
Pre-requisite: Iron Skin 14/Iron Skin 20
Metal Immunity provides DR10 [Metal] i.e. against Normal damage inflicted by a metal weapon (or metal part of a weapon).

Power damage on metal weapons still harms the recipient of the spell as usual.


Range: 20’
Duration: 10 seconds
Type: Offensive
Target: Area (10’ Radius)
Resisted by: Dexterity 10
Earthquake causes the ground in a small area to heave and undulate. The caster picks the centre of the spell and everyone within a 10’ radius must fall to the floor, waving their arms and legs in the air. Characters with 10 Dexterity and above do not fall to the floor, though they are unable to move. Characters with 15 Dexterity and above can walk at a slow pace.

This spell will also cause anybody in the ground (under the effects of Earth Merge for example) to take 10 Body Points of damage per location in the ground with an equivalent amount of Life Point damage as they are first pummelled and then thrown out of the ground. Normal armour protects against this as usual, but Dexterity effects do not.

Note that non-corporeal beings and those under the effect of a Float spell are unaffected by Earthquake. N.B. you can Float ‘out’ of an Earthquake.

Earth Form <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 15 minutes
Type: Non-stackable
Target: Person
This spell begins transforming the target’s body into earth. The caster may select <n> options from the following list:

  • DR2 [Normal, Metal]. Note if the target also has Metal Immunity up, this stacks, effectively giving DR14 [Metal] DR2 [Non-metal]. Additional selections increase the DR by 2 each time.
  • The targets hand attacks do normal damage (i.e. not soft damage) with a base of Blunt 3, which can be increased with Bludgeon (cast once per hand) and used with Shattering Blow. Additional selections increase the base damage by 3 each time.
  • All Earth spells the target casts require 1 less Mana (minimum 1). This can only be selected once.
  • The target is immune to one of the following spells: Grip & Warp. This stacks with Spell Immunity. Additional selections can choose an additional spell.

While in Earth Form, the target can only cast spells from the school of Earth.

The target of Earth Form must have dedicated themselves to the element of Earth. Earth Form can only be learnt and cast if Earth is the primary School of the caster and target.

Tremor <n>

Range: Self
Duration: 1 Minute
Type: Offensive, Elemental
Target: Area (10’ Cone)
Resisted by: Dexterity

Tremor lasts one minute or until the caster decides to stop it. The caster must stand upright and hold his arms in an arc. All characters within the arc who do not have sufficient Dexterity are knocked back 20’ directly from the caster.

The Tremor is only in effect within the arc of the caster’s arms. The size of the arc can be chosen by the caster (up to 180 degrees) but cannot be varied once cast. The Tremor ends when the duration expires or the caster closes his arms (in which case it cannot be restarted without re-casting the spell).

The caster can move at a slow walk and turn with a Tremor in effect.

Note that non-corporeal beings and those under the effect of a Float spell are unaffected by Tremor.

Tremor has no effect on creatures under the ground or under the effects of Earth Merge.

Tremor will immediately trigger (and potentially affect the caster by) all traps within the cone.